A Matter of State
Season 2 - Episode 2. First aired on Tuesday, September 12th 1978.
Read the full plot.

A government agent steps off a plane. Secret documents he is carrying are stolen. Acting with lightning speed the authorities seal the airport. And in the interests of security, it is announced that a passenger has been quarantined on suspicion of carrying a contagious disease. 

Among the press in the airport are Peter Parker (on hand to represent the Bugle) and rival photographer Julie Masters.

A short time later the airport is reopened, with an announcement that the quarantine is a mistake. The passenger had nothing more serious than a cold. Peter is still suspicious and questions officials, who brush him off. 

Unbeknownst to Julie, she had photographed one of the thieves, Andre. He and his partner Carl try to steal the film from Julie, but when our wall-crawling hero tries to catch the two he loses them. 

Later that night, the two thieves break into Julie's flat. Spidey arrives on the scene too late to prevent the destruction of the film, but he does manage to capture Carl.

Peter convinces Julie to look over the mug shots at the police station to try to identify the man whose photograph she had taken. But as the two leave Julie's flat, cohorts of Andre knock Peter unconscious and escape with Julie. Peter then arranges to have Carl released on bail so that as Spider-Man he can track him to the thieves hideaway.

Spidey captures the bad guys and rescues Julie.

Guest stars: Ellen Bry (Julie), Nicholas Coster (Andre), John Crawford (Evans), James Victor (Lt Martinez), Michael Santiago (Carl), James Lemp as Erik Stern (Mischa).

[Summary partly from UK 1982 Spider-man Annual]

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