Night of the Clones
Season 1 - Episode 4. First aired on Wednesday, April 26th 1978.
Read the full plot.

While Peter Parker is covering a display of Cloning experiments given by leading genetic scientist Dr Moon, a sinister figure sabotages the lift in a nearby hotel. In the ensuing accident, two visiting scientists are killed, Dr Reichman and Dr Ketya, both members of the Olaf committee.

The Olaf committee give annual awards for outstanding achievement in science, but has ignored the work of Dr Moon for years. Peter's next assignment is to cover a costume ball given in honour of the visiting members of the Olaf Committee.

Meanwhile, Dr Moon is over-powered by an exact clone of himself. It was the clone who caused the lift accident and who now plans to murder each of the Olaf committee members.

The clone dupes the granddaughter of one of the Olaf delegates into entering an abandoned ware-house. But Spider-man arrives on the scene in time to save her. In the struggle, Spidey is shot in the hand.

The clone obtains a sample of Spider-Man's blood from the floor of the warehouse and uses it to create a clone of our hero. The night of the costume ball finds three Spider-Men present. The real thing, the clone and an innocent guest in a Spider-Man suit.

Finally the real Spider-Man and his clone come face to face. A furious battle follows and the Spider-Man clone is killed, while the Dr Moon clone begins to disintegrate. The threat of the clone is over.

[Summary from UK 1982 Spider-man Annual]

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